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Spectating Art as an Art itself

A Museum is, undeniably, a place of art. But there is not only art hanging on the walls or situated in the middle of a room – the art is literally everywhere, it is just a question of thorough observation.

There is an umbrella term for observing the observer and making an art of it: “people matching art”. This photo series, containing more than 750 scenes of people literally perfectly matching the art they are observing, is captured and published by photo blogger Stefan Draschan. It often seems as though these photos are based on a set up, staged backdrop, too absurd is the scene of a woman wearing a shirt with a pattern that looks like the modern-art-painting she is standing in front of, the old crooked man wearing a dark suit observing an artwork showing a sinister landscape in the fog, or the corpulent woman wearing the seemingly exact same outfit as the woman in the Renaissance portrait in front of her does. But it is never staged; the secret behind these arbitrary scenes is one thing: patience. Stefan Draschan loves art as well as people and developed a sense for the transition of banal colour matches to relationships between art and spectator. Yet it remains coincidental, meaning there is no particular reason for these observers matching the observed – or is there? Don’t these poetic, pictorial coincidences gain significance by showing the connection between people and art? The well-known “law of attraction” gains new meaning in this context. The same attracts the same. And it is happening everywhere, not only in the world of feelings and thoughts, but in the world of and the connection between the human species and art as well.

Pexels (Pixabay)

Posted in Artists, Creativity, Photography on Jun 14, 2019